CON6 2021 presents coach Eugene Bleecker from 108 Performance
10/03/2021 1 Minute Read

CON6 2021 presents coach Eugene Bleecker from 108 Performance

CON6 2021 welcomes Eugene Bleecker, coach and scholar of the game of baseball who focuses on training and player development

CON6 2021 welcomes Eugene Bleecker, coach and scholar of the game of baseball who focuses on training and player development. Coach Eugene Bleecker operates , a training and research center in Southern California with locations in Riverside and Orange counties. 108 Performance prides itself for its development of new training and preparation techniques for baseball players using cutting-edge technology.

Originally from Long Island, New York, Eugene Bleecker grew up on "bread and baseball" playing on local diamonds when he was seven. With a burning desire to play baseball professionally, he found success on the collegiate level as a catcher but did not attract the attention of MLB scouts. Eugene Bleecker knew in his heart that baseball was in his future so he moved to California and began coaching youth teams. He took it a step further and helped aspiring prospects with personalized training and development. Eugene Bleecker became an expert in biomechanics studying the movements of pitchers and batters. He focused on using modern technology to greatly improve player training and development methods.

Perhaps the most well know success story at 108 Performance is MLB outfielder , who grew up in Riverside and found Eugene Bleecker to be his best best in taking him to the next level before the start of the 2017 season. The results were astounding: batting average went from .209 to .243, on-base percentage increased from .257 to .319, and home runs more than tripled from 5 to 16. Coach Eugene Bleecker now collaborates with a total of six MLB franchises as a result of his ability to get the best performance from his players.

Through his thorough research and work at , Eugene Bleecker authored the book Old School vs New School in 2019. In the publication, he analyzes the two schools of thought on identifying and cultivating talent and how the elements of both can converge and be effective for player development. Coach Eugene Bleecker promises to deliver an engaging series of lectures that will help both coaches and players during CON6 2021. Forza #Italia!

by Roberto Angotti