CON6 2021: Scorers present on the virtual stage online to keep the baseball and softball books accurate
14/03/2021 1 Minute Read

CON6 2021: Scorers present on the virtual stage online to keep the baseball and softball books accurate

An international assembledge of scorers will offer a series of presentations online during the CON6 2021 Baseball and Softball Convention beginning Tuesday, March 16, 2021 when Italy's Stefano Pieri delivers an engaging discussion on The Fourth Out followed by a live Zoom Question Time session

An international assembledge of scorers will offer a series of presentations online during the CON6 2021 Baseball and Softball Convention beginning Tuesday, March 16, 2021 when Italy's Stefano Pieri delivers an engaging discussion on The Fourth Out followed by a live Zoom Question Time session.

Dutch scorer Dennis Duin presents Baseball vs. Softball: Differences in Scoring Parts 1 and 2 followed by a live Zoom Question Time session on Wednesday, March 17, 2021. Roberto Saletti, member of the Italian CNC Technical Commission, offers a in conjunction with his presentation Videos for Scoring Part 1 followed by a live Zoom Question Time session on Thursday, March 18, 2021.

Venezuelan Gil Reyes presents a live Zoom Unusual Cases Interpretation session on Friday, March 19, 2021. The final CON6 2021 scorers presentation is offered by Roberto Saletti, who delivers a live Zoom Videos for Scoring Part 2-Questionnaire Discussion on Saturday, March 20, 2021. All speeches can be followed on the Federazione Italiana Baseball Softball (FIBS) YouTube channel: via the links and will premiere at the time (Central European Time) indicated in the program below. Forza #Italia!

by Roberto Angotti