Fast start for the three Italian teams in the Softball Cups
17/08/2016 1 Minute Read

Fast start for the three Italian teams in the Softball Cups

Each of the three Italian club teams participating in the European Softball Cups this week opened with two straight pool play victories

Each of the three Italian club teams participating in the European Softball Cups this week opened with two straight pool play victories.

In the Champions' Cup, Bussolengo opened with two wins in Cervignagno del Friuli against Skovde and Joudrs, with Madison Osias pitching a five inning no-hitter against the Swedish team.

Also in the Champions' Cup, Forli topping Hoboken and Comanches in Ronchi dei Legionari.

In the Cup Winners' Cup in Ostrava, Czech Repubblic, Legnano dominated Paris with a 7-0 five inning no hitter by Chelsea Cohen, who also won a tougher battle in the afternoon game against Haarlem, shortened to five innings for darkness, after the dutch team had pulled within 4-3 in the sixth, the game reverted to the 4-1 score after five complete.

The teams all continue pool play today, and look to stay unbeaten as they close in on the second round of the tournaments.