FIBS President Andrea Marcon asks Team Italy youth baseball coaches to do the maximum with the minimum due to coronavirus
09/04/2020 2 Minute Read

FIBS President Andrea Marcon asks Team Italy youth baseball coaches to do the maximum with the minimum due to coronavirus

Federazione Italiana Baseball Softball (FIBS) President Andrea Marcon, Vice President Fabrizio De Robbio, Federal Councilor Alessandro Cappuccini, and the Team Italy youth baseball staff gathered by video conference for an update on the status of upcoming international programs and events on April 9, 2020

Federazione Italiana Baseball Softball (FIBS) President Andrea Marcon, Vice President Fabrizio De Robbio, Federal Councilor Alessandro Cappuccini, and the Team Italy youth baseball staff gathered by video conference for an update on the status of upcoming international programs and events on April 9, 2020. Asking participants to adopt the mantra of "doing the maximum with the minimum" in light of the current COVID-19 pandemic, FIBS leader Andrea Marcon admitted the task would not be an easy one. He said, "The sacrifice we ask of you is enormous, and we are aware of it. Our priority today is to concentrate as much as possible on the valuable resources that we are utilizing from every sector of the Federation in supporting the Italian baseball fraternity our movement depends on to thrive. We will continue to honor our commitments in the best possible way under the unprecedented circumstances."

20150712 Fabrizio De Robbio Nazionale Juniores Baseball Europeo 2015 (MG-Oldmanagency)With the U18 European Baseball Championship in Macerata, Italy tentatively rescheduled for the end of August and the U12 European Baseball Championship in Mortsel, Belgium pushed back to late September, both of which serve as qualifiers for 2021 World Cups, FIBS will be working closely with the to ensure the safety and well-being of the athletes, coaches, staff, and fans.

FIBS Vice President Fabrizio De Robbio presided over the second half of the meeting when he fielded questions from the coaches. He addressed issues relating to when to expect the gradual return of daily baseball activities, the fears that families have for their players, and the uncertainty when attempting to set up new programs. Fabrizio De Robbio compassionately listened and assured everyone that health and safety is paramount in making decisions. He confirmed that FIBS will continue to work in tandem with both club teams and the Italian national teams so that they are ready for the call to action and begin play when it is deemed possible. In the meantime, the entire staff agreed to meet periodically as a group as well as in mini-groups via video conference to further discuss their respective programs as everyday life begins its rebound for a semblance of normalcy post-coronavirus. Forza #Italia!

by Roberto Angotti