FIBS President Andrea Marcon makes bid for Italy to host 2021 European Baseball Championship
01/08/2020 2 Minute Read

FIBS President Andrea Marcon makes bid for Italy to host 2021 European Baseball Championship

Federazione Italiana Baseball Softball (FIBS) President Andrea Marcon wrote to President Didier Seminet last week to formally announce the FIBS Board of Directors decision to bid for 2021 European Baseball Championship hosting rights in Torino, Avigliana, and Settimo Tornese

Piedmonte-EuroBaseball2021Federazione Italiana Baseball Softball (FIBS) President Andrea Marcon wrote to President Didier Seminet last week to formally announce the FIBS Board of Directors decision to bid for 2021 European Baseball Championship hosting rights in Torino, Avigliana, and Settimo Tornese. Bordering France and Switzerland in Italy's northwest. the Piemonte region of Italy is known for its wine, automobile production, white truffles, hazelnuts, Ferrero Rocher (Nutella), and being the official Italian headquarters for the slow food movement. There are reportedly over 336 specialty foods including including meats, cheeses, condiments, fresh pastries, and bakery items produced in Piemonte.

EuroBaseball2021FIBS President Andrea Marcon wrote the following to CEB President Didier Seminet on July 24, 2020: "I'm pleased to inform you that the board of FIBS, in the session of July 23rd, 2020 has determined to bid for hosting the 2021 European baseball championship in the cities of Turin, Avigliana and Settimo Torinese. The candidacy of the three Piemontese cities is of great prestige and reliability and also constitutes a clear sign of closeness to a population that is been severely hit by the Coronavirus.

The facilities are absolutely adequate for the event and moreover, the three municipal administration (please note that Turin is the third largest city in Italy) have granted their support, undertook the carrying out of the works needed to further adapt their structures to make the event unforgettable. The Piemonte Region also expressed its support through a letter by the Governor Alberto Cirio.

FIBS logoFIBS will be responsible for all aspects of the organization through its Events Department, that is in charge all events involving our National Teams that take place in our country. I believe that this is also an important aspect to take into account, especially in the first post-Covid season, when it will be even more necessary to give impetus to the entire European movement so severely affected by the pandemic.

In this regard I want to point out that FIBS can also count on the support of the Government and of the Italian Olympic Committee, as happened for the 2021 Congress bid. Regarding the dates for the European championship which has been missing from the Italian diamonds since 1999, our proposal is the second half of September, in order to allow proper timing for national championships, but obviously we are open to the indications of the CEB Board.

Euro 2021 Baseball FieldAbout the number of participating teams, our organizational structure is ready to receive 12 or 16 teams without any kind of problem. Please therefore consider us at your disposal or any of your ideas or requests in this regard. I believe that our candidacy, also supported at an institutional level, can add an important value to the event in favor of the promotion of baseball in Europe and in the world as well as a strong signal of resiliency, taking place in a country that has been most affected by Covid-19 in our continent. A country that also host, subsequently, the historic Congress of Europe unification of our sports, at the end of a truly important year for us. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask."

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by Roberto Angotti