26/11/2015 1 Minute Read

IBL: Francesco Aluffi to lead Tommasin Padova in 2016

It will be Francesco Ciccio Aluffi who will be at the helm of Tommasin Padova in 2016, taking over for Khelyn Smith who has managed the club since 2008

It will be Francesco Ciccio Aluffi who will be at the helm of Tommasin Padova in 2016, taking over for Khelyn Smith who has managed the club since 2008. Ciccio is no stranger in the Padova clubhouse, as he has been with the club as a bench coach since 2014. 

Padova also announced that they will be bringing on Renny Duarte as the clubs new bench coach. Duarte has been around Italian Baseball for the past few years as a player as well as a coach.