CON-X 2023 in Rimini comes to a close but looks to 2024
30/01/2023 2 Minute Read

CON-X 2023 in Rimini comes to a close but looks to 2024

The tremendous success of CON-X 2023 guarantees another Italian Baseball and Softball Convention next year. Federazione Italiana Baseball Softball (FIBS) President Andrea Marcon sheds light on the subject.

CON-X 2023 participants totaled 988 over the three-day weekend at Palacongressi di Rimini. Saturday drew the largest crowd with 942 attendees taking part in the main event featuring international speakers and informative seminars. FIBS President Andrea Marcon said, “CON-X 2023 was truly of incredible quality and FIBS could not be prouder of the overall success of the program. The X in the CON-X logo was created by Andrea Villani and represents the crossroads of our sports and how difficult it is to define paths. I think CON-X will stay with us for some time. The cultural gap is wide-ranging, the themes cross and complement each other, for a new system of development of our sports based on data. On one hand, it is increasingly attentive to science, for evaluation, scouting, improvement, development and the health of the athlete. On the other hand, it must be increasingly sensitive to the psychological and mental aspect of the single individual, empathetic and attentive to the overall well-being of each girl and boy who enters our world as well as that of their families.”

FIBS President Marcon continued, “CON-X 2023 presented even more advanced and complex topics than ever before because of the growth and development of our sports. It is clear that some subjects need more time to be understood. The program dedicated to the mental and psychological approach was not so much considered years ago and today it is very popular. I trust that the new project financing system launched by the Government through the operational arm of Sport and Health and the Scuola dello Sport will continue, because it gives us the opportunity to offer exceptional opportunities at truly low costs for the participants.”

FIBS President Marcon concluded, “Every aspect of our program must contribute to the quality of our athletes and warrant the trust of their families to build a strong sporting community, which includes, for example, the construction and maintenance of our fields and training facilities. Our convention was born as concept, but now there is no turning back as we look to 2024. I want to thank all those who have worked so hard to implement a very complex program, which flowed smoothly and was a joy for the participants. Special thanks to the FIBS office team, to all the coaches, and all the collaborators, exhibitors and the outstanding presenters who shared their experiences at the Palacongressi.” Forza #Italia!


by Marco Landi and Roberto Angotti

(Photo of FIBS President Andrea Marcon on the CON-X 2023 stage by PhotoBass)