28/11/2014 1 Minute Read

Mario Chiarini from Rimini to San Marino

Mario Chiarini has officially been announced has San Marino’s newest member for the 2015 IBL season

Mario Chiarini has officially been announced has San Marino’s newest member for the 2015 IBL season. This coming as somewhat of a surprise with Rimini’s long time captain and member of the Pirates since 1997 (Chiarini), will now be suiting up with his old teams long time rival, San Marino.

Chiarini has 676 games played with Rimini in the IBL, along with 676 hits, 66 homeruns and 3 championships. Mario also has played in 162 games with the Italian National Team, won 2 European Championships, a bronze medal at the 2010 Intercontinental Cup, participated in 2 WBC tournaments, as well as one Olympics, and more...