Nettuno celebrates the launch of historic online Italian Baseball Museum
10/06/2020 1 Minute Read

Nettuno celebrates the launch of historic online Italian Baseball Museum

Italian baseball jerseys lined the Council Chamber of the Municipality of Nettuno in celebration of the newly-launched virtual Baseball Museum, a website created by the 'Il Bar del Baseball' Association on June 9, 2020

Italian baseball jerseys lined the Council Chamber of the Municipality of Nettuno in celebration of the newly-launched virtual Baseball Museum, a website created by the 'Il Bar del Baseball' Association on June 9, 2020. Building upon the initial groundwork of Enciclopedia del Baseball by Giorgio Gandolfi and Enzo Di Gesù 35 years ago, the online Baseball Museum features over 1000 entries and is considered the true 'Wiki' of Italian baseball with players and teams listed in alphabetical order. Far from complete, the creators of the website welcome additional contributions in the form of texts, photos, or videos by emailing

The Baseball Museum is sponsored by the I , the Federal Councilor of the represented area, Luigi Cerchio, the , , and the . Nettuno Mayor Alessandro Coppola expressed his desire to make the virtual museum into a national monument. He said, "This museum represents the proud heritage of our city. At the moment, it is only a virtual museum, but I assure you that my intention is to make it real. I would like to make it an Italian Baseball Museum." Click to visit the Baseball Museum online. Forza #Italia!

by Marco Landi and Roberto Angotti