04/04/2015 1 Minute Read

Padova continues to surprise with a win over Rimini, Bologna over San Marino, Nettuno & Nettuno2 win their first

In game three of the regular season the standings are divided exactly in half with four clubs sitting with a 3 and 1 record while the other 4 are currently posting a 1 and 3 record

In game three of the regular season the standings are divided exactly in half with four clubs sitting with a 3 and 1 record while the other 4 are currently posting a 1 and 3 record. Thus far of the four names at the top after the first few games of the regular season three could have been predicted months ago, however the fourth name, Padova? Padova has done nothing but impress in their foreign game with Quevedo on the hill taking down two very big names, Bologna a week ago and just last night, the Rimini Pirates. Elsewhere in the league it was UnipolSai Bologna that got the best of T&A San Marino 6 to 4, while Nettuno picked up their first win of the season over Godo (2-1) on a walk-off homer off the bat of D’Amico and finally Nettuno2 took down Parma in Parma by the final of 3 to 1. 

Weather permitting, games will continue across the league this evening, with the two game series between Rimini and Padova shifting to Rimini, T&A San Marino and UnipolSai Bologna will hit the field in Bologna, Nettuno2 will be locked up once again with Parma in Parma and finally it will be Nettuno in Rome vs. the Godo Knights. All the games across the league will feature an Italian arm on the the hill.