Priscilla Brandi, Giulia Longhi and Annagiulia Mancini pay tribute to late and great Cali Roma softball coach Marco Salvi
24/05/2020 2 Minute Read

Priscilla Brandi, Giulia Longhi and Annagiulia Mancini pay tribute to late and great Cali Roma softball coach Marco Salvi

Despite his sudden passing on May 23, 2020, Marco Salvi will forever be embedded in the hearts and minds of everyone associated with Cali Roma Softball

Despite his sudden passing on May 23, 2020, Marco Salvi will forever be embedded in the hearts and minds of everyone associated with Cali Roma Softball. By writing an open letter to the late and great Marco Salvi, Priscilla Brandi, Giulia Longhi, and Annagiulia Mancini are able to share with loved ones their final thoughts on the coach and father figure who was instrumental in their growth and development personally and professionally. In addition to sending condolences to the friends and family of Marco Salvi. Federazione Italiana Baseball Softballl (FIBS) is proud to publish the following homage co-written by two of Team Italy's brightest softball stars, Priscilla Brandi and Giulia Longhi, along with Annagiulia Mancini.

If we stop for a moment to think, for us who, since we were children, have lived for softball, the diamond is the metaphor of life. We all start from the same point when we are born, we walk our basic path after base, with difficulties, joys, sorrows, encounters, love, friendship, who more simply, who with complications and obstacles almost always overcome, we have our satisfactions, our pains, the falls and we get up stronger than before.

We also know that it will be a road traveled with different speeds. With times and destinies each distinct from the other, but sooner or later it is where we started from that we will return. There is no need to call this place paradise, it is our place of return, our infinity, our everything, entrusted to us in a different way because we are all different.

You, Marco, had too short a time, your path, your race between one base and another, wanted to overcome all the speed records, you wanted to go ahead to be found there and beat your hand with us, every time, even for us, the path will be over. Finished? Here this is not known, maybe nothing ends, maybe, as those who believe, it is a new beginning; maybe what we play on earth is a baseball game at night and after reaching home plate the game will start again, finally bright and light.

But we miss you, we'll miss you. Continue, wherever you went, to compile our player statistics, to cheer for us with your unmistakable enthusiasm, enormous availability and patience, we assure you that you will always stay here, because no one really goes away if it remains in the hearts of the people who they have known and loved him. Elena and Erica, we have been there, we are and we will be stronger than before.

Forever Yours,

Annagiulia, Giulia and Priscilla