28/04/2016 2 Minute Read

San Marino takes on Bologna without Bindi

The fourth week of the Italian Baseball League (IBL) opens with T&A San Marino hosting UnipolSai Bologna amid the shocking news that Doriano Bindi is no longer the manager of San Marino

BINDIThe fourth week of the Italian Baseball League (IBL) opens with T&A San Marino hosting UnipolSai Bologna amid the shocking news that Doriano Bindi is no longer the manager of San Marino. A team press release announced that Bindi, during a meeting with team president Fiorini and secretary Macina "made the decision to take a period of reflection for the current season". The GM Mauro Mazzotti will take on the role of interim manager, while the team looks for Bindi's successor.

San Marino also noted that pitcher Justin Germano had returned to the United State to continue treatment on an elbow injury that kept him out of action last weekend. It wasn't clear if Germano would be returning, but the initial impression appears to be his adventure in the IBL ends here.

So it will be a weekend of emergencies for San Marino.

"The training staff is monitoring Santora and Francesco Imperiali day by day" explains Mauro Mazzotti "but for Thursday it doesn't look good".

Considering that Ermini is likely going to have a long absense (he needs to keep his shoulder immobilized for at least three weeks), in tonight's game 1 against Bologna we should see the same infield used in the last game with Rimini: Chiarini at first, Pulzetti at second, Vasquez shortstop. Quevedo will get the start on the mound.

"The rest of the rotation depends on the relievers we use in game 1" added Mazzotti "In particular the use of Camacho".

The starter for the third game will be Galeotti.


BolognaMeanwhile, some doubts for UnipolSai Bologna as well, as maanger Daniele Frignani has to juggle the uncertain health of Cedeno and Marval: "The bye week helped, but we haven't gotten everybody to full health yet. Cedeno and Marval will be game time decisions. Russo is out for the whole weekend."

Sambucci and Andrea Pizziconi will be available. Frignani will likely have Infante at shortstop, and Fuzzi at third, with Zielinski getting the starting nod on the mound.

Given that Patterson is in the relief rotation, it is likely that Rivero will be a starter in one of the other two game. Frignani cautioned "Let's say we will have to wait until after Thursday's game to decide. The only certainty is that game three will be started by Panerati".

The other alternative to Rivero as starter is Brent Buffa.