29/10/2014 1 Minute Read

T&A San Marino calls upon Bindi once again with Augusto Medina by his side

T&A San Marino have reconfirmed Doriano Bindi for the 2015 season

T&A San Marino have reconfirmed Doriano Bindi for the 2015 season. The longtime T&A San Marino skipper will have a new third base coach in 2015, Augusto Medina, after the departure of both Raul Marval and Johnny Carvajal. Medina has experience with Parma in the IBL (since 2010) as well as the Italian National team where he was the first base coach at this year’s European Championship for the runner up Italian squad.

As for player expected to close deals with the 2014 European Champions, it looks as if both Gabriele Ermini (utility) and Junior Oberto (left handed pitcher) are close to closing deals with the club. Both Ermini and Oberto played in Series A for Grosseto in 2014.