Team Italy women's softball squad honors late and great manager Enrico Obletter
02/03/2021 6 Minute Read

Team Italy women's softball squad honors late and great manager Enrico Obletter

Erika Piancastelli: “I don't know what to think at the moment

Erika Piancastelli: “I don't know what to think at the moment. Enrico, our warrior. He who has always pushed us further. He who believed in our dreams most of all. As a national team we will always represent Italy ... but from now on we represent and play for you Enrico Obletter. ???? You will always be in our thoughts."

Lisa Ann Birocci: "Enrico, I'll never know what you saw in a 22-year-old girl from Iowa just out of college in 2005. I don't know why I deserved your friendship. I remember physically hugging you when I first met you because I needed another person who spoke English after spending two months hard learning another language in the country that would become my beloved second home. You and Italy have given me so much. Where do I start thanking you? Years passed before I had the honor of meeting Giovi but you always told me that we would immediately become friends. And we have been. Other years went by before I met your children even though I seemed to have known them for a long time since you talked about them. My heart aches at the thought of them. Yes, I remember all the games and championships we won together but I care even more about the adventures we shared off the field. You liked showing me the places around us. You invited me into your home. I loved all your dogs! You have cooked countless meals for me, my family, Andy and his family. We have always left your house full as barrels and a little tipsy. Okay maybe very tipsy at times. You always sent me back to the US with bottles of "medicine" (a Hungarian dessert wine). I continue to believe that I can eat more kebabs than both you and Federico Pizzolini. You have always been a Yankees fan and I always brought you clothing, books and shirts from the United States. You did everything to make me reconnect with Sant’Arcangelo where my extended family still lives. You were the first to share grief with me when my father passed away. You always checked that everything was okay. You were delighted when I had Luca and Bianca (very Italian names). Even if you've never physically met them, you've talked to them on video countless times and your name always hangs around the house. Luca cried all day with me. He knows what it means to me. You never gave up when it came to me. You never let me settle. You believed it when I didn't. You have been my coach, my mentor but above all a dear friend of mine. I don't even know if friend is the right word because you were family to me. Until the last moment you pushed me out of my comfort zone to achieve the dream we had. I will not disappoint you."

Amanda Fama: "Today Team...We lost our head coach, Enrico. You told me to work on my tree branch arms and get some muscles so I don’t embarrass you when we walk out at Olympics. I was stoked to show you my progress, just to hear some sarcastic comment in return. But you won’t be there #WePlay4uEnrico."

Ilaria Cacciamani: “I have been seeing this photo for hours and I think of that look so difficult to sustain, which was often scary but most of the time it was able to bring out the best in each of us. I cannot think that you will not be able to continue this magnificent journey with us but know that you will always be there. The teachings, the cazziatone, the anecdotes and the light pats on the back will never leave us, indeed they will be even more present than ever, just like you were. From today it is for you???? #PERENRICO."

Emily Carosone: "To the man who gave me a chance. I will miss you????. "

Greta Cecchetti: “You were one of those people who seem eternal, someone who will exist forever; I think in a way it will be like that for us girls. You were the coach of the Italian softball team defined as the strongest ever. But we are the strongest national team ever because you trained us. There are still so many things you could have taught us. There are still so many things I wanted to ask you. You always believed in us, but above all you made sure that we believed in ourselves, especially when everything and everyone was against us. The lessons, the anecdotes, the cazziatone, the jokes, the visits to the pitching mound, the encouragement, all the energy you transmitted to us ... in these days everything resounds in my head: "Come on blue!" , "Believe it Greta!", "Keep climbing!" ... and I'll miss it all to death. For all that you have taught me, I thank you infinitely and I promise you that I will never forget it. I can confidently say that you have made me a better player. You made the Italian national team better. In the last message you sent me you wrote to me: "Continue in your mission". From today, this mission is for you ????. "

Elisa Cecchetti: “At your cry FOR TEAM FORCE we would have conquered the world. We will do it for you, with you ????. "

Marta Gasparotto: “Hi Enrico! - Enrico? You have to call me coach Enrico, who do you think starts the final?" I could go on for days quoting all your phrases and anecdotes or telling everything you have represented for me and for all of us, but words would never be enough! It's really true, we are Sisters and you were like our dad, the only one who in one way or another always managed to keep this great Family together. We will miss you so much, but I'm sure you will always be with us. In our memories and in everything you taught us. We will play for you ???? #PERENRICO."

Andrea Howard: “Enrico was the greatest fighter I have ever known. He was loud, intense and feisty. He was also kind, helpful and supportive. I arrived in the national team at 17, and he never stopped making me understand how much he believed in me and in my qualities. I can still hear his voice whenever I need motivation and this is something I will always love. I feel very lucky to have had the honor of playing for such a passionate coach. He will always be in my heart. Forza Italia, for Enrico ????."

Alexia Lacatena: "To the man who gave me the opportunity to become part of something great, greater than myself, greater than a simple sporting activity: thank you for always believing in me ???? You gave me the opportunity to play for the country I love and will continue to do so, for you Thank you for being a fantastic coach ???? I will miss you ???? #ForzaItalia #PERENRICO."

Giulia Longhi: “Dear Enrico, with all my total sincerity I feel so much anger towards you. You left so suddenly and you took a large piece of me with you without even asking me. I hoped until the last second that you could do it. I've never doubted you. Not even this time. I hoped for it until the end. In my heart, I already imagined that day where we would all be around you hearing this amazing survivor story of yours. Where would you have bragged about making it. I hate you more than ever Enrì for not having succeeded this time. I hate you but in reality I love you because no one has ever been able to give me everything you have been able to give me. You understood me more than any other person in the world. You believed in me. You brought out the best in me. Only you were able to create that motivation inside that pushed me to never give up. You plotted the way to go to achieve the goals. You were the one who always believed in it. Who found strength from the darkest defeats. You were my lighthouse. Believe it. Always believe in it. To work hard. Positivity. Pandoval. Giant Panda. And now how do I do Enrì. I swear I would have followed you to the top of the moon too. This time, however, I'm angry with the world because I can't come where you go. I can only promise you that I will be next to your samurai and that I will be a Giant Panda as you wanted, not only in this 2021, but for the rest of my life. From the bottom of my heart I thank you. Thanks for what you have been. Thank you for making such a big impact on my life. I was one of the luckiest people in the world. You are not under my skin, you are in my bones. Yours forever, Pandoval. "

Fabrizia Marrone: "You met me when I was really little, I remember the first time you trained me, I had just started playing, I was unable to do anything, just to run fast and try my best at what I could he said to do. And you were impressed and in a few hours you sent me emotions, emotions that immediately became a passion that will always remain inside me. How are you going to stay there, you won my heart, you raised me, with your always right and wise advice, you always encouraged me, listened to me, you taught me to believe in everything I did, to fight, to overcome every time my limits, to be patient, to work hard, to curse ahaha no for that you did not succeed! You taught me to be a true warrior. A warrior woman. And you did it Enrico. THANK YOU. But now, I don't know how it is possible, you are gone. And I already miss you like air, and I will miss you today, tomorrow, every time I take that bat and that glove in my hand, because nothing will be the same without you. I will miss your voice, always ready to say the right thing at the right time. When he yelled at me most of the time to tell me I was a PIPPA haha ​​or to tell me your endless experiences and stories. I am angrier than ever, as well as being wracked with pain, and this time time will not heal this wound. But now there is only one thing I can continue to do to be even closer to you, that of continuing to fight together with my sisters for this dream, for these Olympics because you have taken us high and we will fly with you. ❤️ I will miss you forever ????. "

Alice Nicolini: "Thank you for always believing in me, in us more than anyone else???????????? Without you I would never have reached where I am now????????."

Alessandra Rotondo: “YOUR ITALY???? I look and regard photos. I think and I think back to all your speeches, advice, cazziatone, anecdotes. I hear them and see them loud and clear in my mind. There is a deafening silence that destroys me. A pain that eats me inside. A void that will be unbridgeable. Thanks will never be enough. You have been a mentor, a motivator. You were important. You were fundamental. Now enjoy the show from up there, in the blue sky, like all the hearts you have colored in these years with your energy and positivity. You have managed to create a special group that will carry on the mission that we started TOGETHER; only now we have more motivation. We will play for you and with you! I hope we can make your eyes shine with happiness and always make you proud of us. I will always remember you with your hand on your shoulder to tell me never to give up???? FOR YOU ENRICO????. "

Laura Vigna: "I want to remember you like this ????."

Obletter, Soldi e Vigna Europeo U19 2018 (BaseballClipper)