15/06/2014 2 Minute Read

Three in.. one to go.. in the Italian Softball League

In this what was suppose to be the last weekend of the Italian Softball League’s regular season, we’ve seen the weather win out yet another time on fields across Italy

In this what was suppose to be the last weekend of the Italian Softball League’s regular season, we’ve seen the weather win out yet another time on fields across Italy. In Division A only three games were played on Saturday, of which included a two game set between Rhibo La Loggia and the Stars of Staranzano, and just a single game between the Caronno Rheavendors and Bollate. The two game set between Legnano and Banco di Sardegna Nuoro was rained out in full. With all the rain across the country the three games that were played proved to be enough to decided the final postseason spot along side Rhibo La Loggia out of Division A. With a two game sweep of the Stars by Rhibo, and the single win picked up by Bollate, Bollate was able to assure themselves a spot in the semifinals where they will be going up against the thus far perfect Bussolengo girls out of Division B.

In game 1 between Rhibo La Loggia and the Stars of Staranzano it was Rhibo that made a statement with the 10-1 victory in front of their hometown fans. Going the complete game for the win was Elisa Brandino (5 ip, 2 h, 1 r, 1 bb, 5 so). At the plate Rhibo put together an impressive 10 hit attack, which included a 2 for 3 day by Ricchi and Carlucci, along with a perfect 3 hit day by Bosdachin.

In game 2 the series was taken by Rhibo La Loggia thanks to an 8 to 3 victory on the back of Lindsey Bisser (7.0 ip, 6 h, 3 r, 3 bb, 8 so). 5 runs were crossed in the 1st off of Mikayla Edicott, 2 in the 3rd and finally 1 in the 5th. At the plate it was Sara Avanzi who went a perfect 3 for 3 with 2 runs scored and 2 RBI’s. Sandra Bosdachin also had a nice day with the sick, going 1 for 2 with 1 run scored and 3 RBI’s.

Lastly, the only other game that took place in Division A was the afternoon matchup between the Caronno Rheavendors and Bollate. Bollate had no issues in this one what so ever as they were able to walk away with the easy 9-0 victory, a win that put them in the postseason as the two seed out of Division B. Picking up the win for Bollate was Greta Cecchetti (5 ip, 1 h, 11 so), who also turned in a spectacular day with the bat, going 2 for 3 with 3 RBI’s.


In Division B, Dino Bigioni Unione Fermana picked up their first two wins of the year after they were able to get to Taurus Parma by the finals of in game one and in game two. The two game series between Forlí and Collecchio was suspended due to heavy rainfall. When play stopped in game one the score was 4 to 3 in favor of Forlí in the top of 8th. Finally Caserta dropped two games to Bussolengo by the finals of and . The final playoff spot is still up for grabs in Division B, between Forlí, Collecchio and Caserta.