A perfect party launches The Italian American Baseball Family
12/12/2016 2 Minute Read

A perfect party launches The Italian American Baseball Family

Greetings, smiles, hugs, and in one word emtions, the word that could be the title of a perfect summar of the launch part evening for The Italian American Baseball Family in Brooklyn, New York on December 8th at Carmine's Restaruant

Greetings, smiles, hugs, and in one word emtions, the word that could be the title of a perfect summar of the launch part evening for The Italian American Baseball Family in Brooklyn, New York on December 8th at Carmine's Restaruant.

Celebrating the start of the road to the World Baseball Clasic for Marco Mazzieri's Italian national team in a way never before imaginable, with the Italian American community closely supporting the project and a splendid representation of the group that will be called upon to represent Italy and the great memories Italy created in the 2013 WBC.

Drew Butera, Francisco Cervelli, Chris Colabello, Pat Venditte. Protagonists from yesterday and tomorrow on the field, were also protagonists of the evening, amonth a thousand hand shakes and photos and autographs, as people lined up outside on Graham Avenue for a chance to participate.

At their side, along with Mazzieri and Frank Catalanotto were legends of New York baseball like John Franco (pitching coach for Italy in the first WBC) and Lee Mazzilli, boxing champ Ray Boom-Boom Mancini, actor Tony Lobiano, and the star of the night Mike Piazza, who was given the title Ambassador of International Baseball by the World Baseball and Softball Confederation, presented directly by Riccardo Fraccari.

"Mike not only played, and then coached for Italy in all the editions fo the Classic played until now" added Fraccari "but he has travelled the world with the team in the most wide range of international competitions."

If emotions were the theme of the night, certainly emotional was newly elected FIBS president Andrea Marcon, who himself is an Italian born abroad, and is "perfectly aware of the strong ties that exist between our nation and those who had to leave it and their families." adding "I'm absolutely convinced taht the sport and passion for the Italian jersey includes perfectly the emotions and values of these ties. I know well the precious contributions of the Italian American athletes and what they have done to spread our sport throughout Italy, and for me to see so many great players wear the Italian National jersey and take the field side by side with the best talents of our country is a dream that has been developing since the first World Baseball Classic".