Team Italy baseball coaching staff reveals goals, objectives and methodologies
08/02/2022 2 Minute Read

Team Italy baseball coaching staff reveals goals, objectives and methodologies

The Italian national baseball team coaching staff met recently at the Giulio Onesti Olympic Training Center in Rome to discuss how the growth and development of the movement must build early on from the youth leagues up to the highest competitive levels

Last weekend the Team Italy U12, U15, U18, U23 and Senior baseball coaching staffs assembled at the Giulio Onesti Olympic Training Center in Rome's Acquacetosa region to meet with Federazione Italiana Baseball Softball President Andrea Marcon to work out a master plan and road map for the future. He said, "We know very well that your hard work and contributions lead to European Baseball Championship titles on every level and World Championship titles from the U18 team upwards. We also know that the results come by you helping players grow from the youngest levels as this is the only way is to create a coherent development path, which is designed to get the most out of each player through the youth programs and academies."

National Baseball Hall of Famer and Team Italy manager Mike Piazza shared his personal experience as a member of the Los Angeles Dodgers organization. The Italian skipper said, "We had the motto, 'The Dodgers Way of Doing Things', that we too must create our way of playing baseball because the key is the fundamentals. We must do the small things well without overdoing it, take care of the simple things and accompany the players on their journey. And we have to do it together, even as coaches we must be a team, through constant communication between us, which is the key to working consistently. We are not rebuilding anything, but recharging our system with enthusiasm, passion, and technique. Do not hesitate to ask questions. We will not have all the answers for everyone, but together we must have the same philosophy for the good of the players, respecting their differences in talent and physical attributes."

Before leaving the podium and introducing new pitching coordinator Bobby Cramer, Team Italy manager Mike Piazza shared one last thought. He said, "Leadership is not exercising power, but giving others the ability to be able to do things." Bobby Cramer then impressed his colleagues with a straightforward speech. The former MLB pitcher said, "I do not ask for respect, I want to earn it. I am not waving the American flag in Italy. I'm here to help the Italian baseball program grow. Our path to success will not be an easy one, but I am well aware of what we have to accomplish with clear objections to make it happen. In order for us to qualify for the 2028 Los Angeles Olympics, we must rise in the world ranking. It all begins with our youngest players in the program. I have worked with children with difficulties in the past, and the philosophy that I have applied and tried to explain to them and their parents is the same one that we should all always have in mind: if you think you can do something or you think you can't. you are right in both cases. Having a goal every day, however small, is the way to not throw that day away. I want to get to know your system and your kids as soon as possible to start making my contribution right away, I'm not here to impose any program, but to be part of yours and do my best to make each one successful. Nobody here is looking for merit, I think, but instead results for our athletes."

Forza #Italia!

by Marco Landi and Roberto Angotti