26/04/2015 1 Minute Read

Division A sees sweeps across the board, while Division B splits

Bollate gets to La Loggia with a huge 2 game sweep on Saturday afternoon and evening

Bollate gets to La Loggia with a huge 2 game sweep on Saturday afternoon and evening. Staranzano over Sardegna 9-8 and 3-0, while it was the Rheavendors over Legano 11-5 and 2-1. In Division B, Bussolengo dropped their first game of the year in a two game split, while Parma and Sestes also divided their two game series. 


Division A

Thermotechnick Bollate vs. Rhibo La Loggia

Stars Technovap Staranzano vs. Bando di Sardegna

BSC Legano  vs. Caronno Rheavendors


Division B

Taurus Old Parma vs. Energetic Sestese

Blue Girls Bologna vs. Specchiasol Bussolengo