Per il Club Italia un trattamento ‘reale’ a Surprise
17/10/2024 3 Minuti di lettura

Per il Club Italia un trattamento ‘reale’ a Surprise

Nel camp per lanciatori e ricevitori ospitato dai Royals i prospetti azzurri hanno avuto pieno accesso alla struttura di spring training in Arizona dal Direttore esecutivo del sistema delle Minors di Kansas City Nick Leto, amico di lunga data del baseball italiano.

I lanciatori e i ricevitori del Club Italia LA28 hanno avuto l’opportunità storica di accedere a risorse e attività d’allenamento come mai in passato presso la struttura di allenamento dei Kansas City Royals a Surprise, Arizona, grazie a Nick Leto.

Il direttore operativo della Minor League dei Royals, che sta iniziando la sua 18a stagione con la franchigia di KC, è sempre stato un sostenitore della crescita e dello sviluppo del baseball in Italia. Un’amicizia nata lavorando a stretto contatto con il compianto e grande membro della Hall of Fame FIBS Bill Holmberg presso l’Accademia di Tirrenia nel 2006 e nel 2007.

Il Direttore dello sviluppo del Team Italia Gianguido Poma, che ha condotto il camp in Arizona, ha molto apprezzato l’ospitalità riservata ai giocatori del Club Italia e l'accesso illimitato alla struttura all'avanguardia. “Voglio ringraziare pubblicamente Nick e i Royals e che si sappia quanto i giocatori e lo staff abbiano apprezzato l’opportunità di allenarsi con atleti e allenatori professionisti in una struttura al top”.

Nick Leto was kind enough to share his insight and his love for Italian baseball in an exclusive interview.

When did you first become aware of the promising baseball prospects in Italy?

In 2006 the Italian National Team ran a camp in Orlando when I worked for the Atlanta Braves. That was my first experience with Italian Baseball. My eyes really got opened to it working at the MLB European Academy in Tirrenia, Italy in 2007. The rest is history as they say but Bill Holmberg was very influential with my education with Italian Baseball.   

How did your experience in Italy connect you with your family roots and enhance your professional career?

My family roots are Sicilian. I haven’t had an opportunity to visit there yet but I’d like to. I grew up in an Italian-American family. We were a blue collar family that didn’t have opportunities to visit or explore Italy growing up. It’s been enlightening to me to be around full blooded Italians and hear them talk. I learned how they live and think. I’ve been able to see my Italian roots more through these experiences. It helped me understand why my family growing up did things the way they did. It's been very fun for me to compare some of those things. I really respect the Italian culture/family first style. Much of it feels very natural.   

How did your partnership with Federazione Italiana Baseball and Softball evolve?

This would take some time to tell the whole story, but it begins with Bill Holmberg and continues today with Samuel Aldeghieri and the list goes. Most recently the Club Italia LA28 trip was because of Andrea Marcon and Gianmarco Faraone. I can't name everyone and all the experiences I've had over time, but it has been very impactful and I’m grateful for everything. I’ve really enjoyed making these new relationships. More then anything I want to help the Italian players anyway possible. I want to help grow the game of baseball in Italy. I will try to do anything to help players and coaches by moving the game forward.   

What did Club Italia LA28 pitchers and catchers experience at the Royals Spring Training Facility last week?

It was probably different for each.  For the younger ones just experiencing a professional baseball facility was and is important. For the more experienced players, I think is was good for them to be able to use some of our resources at our facility. We provided the opportunity for them to get some quality work in on the field, in the weight room, and in the training room. We made an effort to build teamwork and togetherness.  

What are the next scheduled activities between the Kansas City Royals and Federazione Italiana Baseball Softball in the future as a result of the MOU signed by FIBS President Andrea Marcon?

This is a work in progress and to be determined as nothing specific has been outlined. We are all ears. We also will give some thoughts as we move forward. I truly just want to help players grow and play an influential role in helping them be the best versions of themselves individually and as a team.  

Any closing thoughts on the growth and development of baseball in Italy in light of the recent success of LA Angels pitcher Samuel Aldegheri?

It gives me goosebumps just thinking about it.  He is such a special young man with a big future ahead. I have really enjoyed following his development. He has a mind and heart for the game. It is not a surprise to me he is where he is and what’s he accomplished. He’s going to do special things in this game. He is a special young man from a special family.   

Do you have any favorites from Club Italia LA28?

I see potential in so many of them. Matteo Bocchi had a giant heart for the game. Enrico Zanchi has great enthusiasm for the game. Matteo Aldegheri possesses an excellent work ethic. Ettore Giulliani is a special talent with a promising future. Claudio Resca, Giacomo Taschin, Diego Gergolet, Matteo Marelli, Mattia Bernardis have true potential. Gabriele Anjioi and Andres Annuiziata are players who have shown that they belong and have ability to do great things. I was very much impressed with the whole group that came through Surprise last week. Probably the best part was the quality of young men they are as human beings because of how they must have been raised.   

Forza #Italia!

by Roberto Angotti

(Photo of Club Italia LA28 pitchers and catchers at the Kansas City Royals Spring Training Facility in Surprise, Arizona by


Foto dei lanciatori e dei ricevitori del Club Italia LA28 presso la struttura di allenamento primaverile dei Kansas City Royals a Surprise, Arizona (

Roberto Angotti

Categorie: Team Italy Baseball , Club Italia LA28